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How to

This section is all about in-depth guides and tutorials. You will find easy to follow articles with step-by-step explanations on solving a technical or non-technical problem.

Change your phone number while calling someone

4 Ways To Change Your Phone Number When You Call Someone

Random numbers are just like having an extra piece of candy. With this, you can make a prank call to have some fun time or even call people who are not...
AMD Driver Crashes While Playing Games

Fix AMD Driver Keeps Crashing While Playing Games on Windows 11

For any laptop or PC, the most important component is the graphics card. For great performance, this is required. You can't have it crash in the middle of a mission! That...
How To Turn Windows 10 Account Settings On or Off (Step-by-Step)

How To Turn Windows 10/11 Account Sync Settings On or Off

Synchronization has been a part of the OS since Windows 8 but in 10 they got a makeover and some much-needed consolidation. It allows you to keep your settings when moving...
3 Ways on How To Fix EFI Bootloader (BCD) Issues in Windows 10

How To Fix EFI Bootloader (BCD) Issues on Windows 10/11 (3 Fixes)

If you see an error message on your Windows PC before it even begins to load, then there is a chance that the boot sector on your system partition is damaged,...
How to Change Wallpaper & Personalize Windows 10 Without Activation

How to Change Wallpaper & Personalize Windows 10/11 Without Activation

It is only a matter of time before most users want to have a new desktop, for this the first thing we do is change the wallpaper after installing a new...
How To Use and Install WhatsApp for Linux (Easy Guide)

How To Install and Use WhatsApp on Linux (Easy Guide)

Whatsapp, a popular messaging application, does not provide users with a desktop client. The best thing is that they considered this problem and launched WhatsApp Web.The web version was launched back...

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