NDS4iOS Emulator Download 2024 - Nintendo DS iOS Emulator

NDS4iOS is a popular Nintendo DS emulator for iOS devices including iPhone and iPad. If you are a Nintendo fan then you would love to have it on your smartphone but keep in mind that you cannot get it from the Apple App Store, this is due to their policies.

But it does not mean you cannot get your hands on it. With some patience and some time you can get it. This article provides NDS4iOS Emulator Download, we have given the free IPA files that are compatible with both iOS 16 and iOS 17.

NDS4iOS Emulator (Latest) – 4 Ways to Download Nintendo DS Emulator

Though this is quite popular among users, it is still not an official application to play Nintendo console games on such devices. You can get this only from third-party alternatives to the app store.

Download NDS4iOS Emulator via iEmulators

NDS4iOS iEmulator Download

  1. Open “Safari” and visit iemulators.com.
  2. Go to the “apps tab”
  3. Go down till you find nds4ios. Check to see if it is marked as been revoked and if not you’re safe and good to go.
  4. Click on it to open the details page and click “install”. When you are prompted, hit install and follow provided instructions. Once done, go to the Settings app and trust the developer.
  5. You shall now be able to install ROM or reload your favorite game.

Download NDS4iOS (iEmulator)

READ ALSO: Lightweight Android Emulators (Play Latest Games on Windows 10).

Download NDS4iOS Emulator via IOSEmus [Recommended]

Nintendo DS iOSEmus

  1. Go to “safari” and visit iosem.com.
  2. In the homepage of the site, it shall instruct you to select an icon, click on any one and it shall take you to the IOSEmus profile. We need this profile installed on the iOS device to install this emulator. Click on “Install”, enter a password or Touch ID if needed, and then hit “Install” again. As this is just a profile, it shall take a few seconds to install.
  3. Once done, return to your device’s home screen and launch this. Once you are in, head towards the install tab. Now you are at the home tab where it first loads data. In here you shall find a list of all tweaked applications. Go down and look for it, the app shall be available to install if you see a green checkmark next to it.
  4. Select this and follow on-screen provided instructions to get it on the device, once done go to “settings” and trust the developer.

Caution: You need to install ROM files to play the games. If it is marked with a red checkmark then follow through to install it using other methods mentioned.

Download NDS4iOS (iOSEmus)

Sideload the IPA file directly to your iPhone or iPad

Remember: Keep in mind that there are some downsides to using this method.

  • You need to have a PC.
  • The application needs to be re-installed after every 7 days due to Apple’s restrictions on free developer accounts.

This is what you need to do:

  1. Click the “link” to get its IPA files from Mediafire Storage.
  2. Install Cydia Impactor.
  3. Once installed the application is from the system, open settings > general > profiles and device management and find the Spotify++ application profile (your Apple ID).
  4. Open this and click on “trust” twice.
  5. You shall now be able to use this application on your iOS device without any problem.

Download NDS4iOS IPA File

Download NDS4iOS via TutuApp

  1. Open Safari and go to TutuApp’s homepage.
  2. Once loaded, click “install now. ” When prompted, click “install” to confirm it. The site also comes with clear step-by-step instructions on how to get it.
  3. Go back to “home screen”, wait for this to complete. Once completed you shall see it icon on the home screen.
  4. When you open the application for the first time you shall get a message that “app’s developer has not been trusted yet”. Go to settings > general > device management, under enterprise application section, find and trust its certificate. Now you are good to go.
  5. Launch the application and search for nds4ios in the search field. You may find it at times on the featured section on the homepage of this app as well, as it is quite a popular yet modified application hit “download” and choose “install” when this app prompt you to confirm the installation.
  6. In the end, go to settings app > general > profile and look for a profile that associates with this and select trust.

Use any of the mentioned methods to get it, but remember that this is just an emulator and does not carry any actual game data, so to play console games you need to load game ROMs.

RECOMMENDED: Popular Android Emulators for Ubuntu and CentOS.

How To Add Your Favourite Nintendo DS ROMs in NDS4iOS

How to Install DS Roms

Downloading such game ROMs is very easy. Do some research on safari and add this to it in a matter of minutes.

Once you have found a link to your favorite game, click on it and it shall begin to download the game ROM instantly.

It shall inform you that the download is in progress make sure to have an eye on the loading indicator.

The game ROM is big in size and will take more time than usual.

Do not leave safari as it shall interrupt the entire process, BE PATIENT.

Once the download is complete, you shall see open to open ROM, select it and the game shall appear in the emulator.

Make sure to extract and re-compress if this file is in .rar format. Do it in the following way:

  1. Go to “App Store” and install “FileMaster”.
  2. Open “Safari” and navigate to a site where you can get NDS ROMs. If you have no idea of such sites then simply search for “nds roms”.
  3. Find the game you want and click on “download link”, wait for this process to complete.
  4. Once done, open the file in FileMaster and extract it, you shall see .nds file which is the original file. Click on hold the .nds file and select zip. This shall zip it up and put it in the same folder.
  5. Press and hold the file you have created and choose the option “open with”. From here select this to import the game into the application.

If you want the process to be simple then we suggest that you get ROMs on your system, extract it and zip it up there. After this upload the resulting file to Dropbox. Like this, you can import ROM from here to nds4ios by using the feature “open in”.

IMPORTANT: Do not quit Safari as the loading indicator is running.

Alternative: iNDS

This is also another DS emulator. However, it was made for devices that are jailbroken. You can now also install it on normal devices. The backend emulation works by using DeSmuME. It requires you to have a minimum of 256 MB of RAM.

Download iNDS Emulator

Conclusion: NDS4iOS Emulator for iOS 15, iOS 16 and iOS 17

Nintendo DS NDS4iOS For iOS 14/iOS 15

Let’s get straight. We all have a love for console gaming. Because technology has come so far, you can now Download NDS4iOS Emulator for iOS 15, iOS 16 or iOS 17. This is one of the best and only working Nintendo DS Emulator you will ever find on the internet. I have personally tested it on various iPhones and iPad and it has worked without an issue.

Compatibility: iOS 15, iOS 16 and iOS 17.

NDS4iOS Download (Inds iOS 15/16/17)

NDS4iOS (NDS Emulator) Download
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Lee White
Lee is currently a full-time writer at DekiSoft that is eager to discover new and exciting advancements in Technology, Software, Linux and Cyber Security. Lee has spent the past 18 years working as an Systems Engineer providing support for various operating systems and networks. When not at his desk or writing, you will find him tinkering with retro tech.
download-nds4ios-emulator-ios-15NDS4iOS is the only trusted and working Nintendo Emulator on iOS devices. It is unfortunately not officially available to download from App Store. We have provided 4 different methods of installing the IPA file for you.

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